In-Person Sessions

Our In-person sessions are great for clients who are trying Reiki for the first time, looking for physical and emotional healing or want to create a healthy lifestyle and need wisdom and support.

Long Distance Sessions

Jose also offers long distance sessions for those that are not able to travel or prefer receiving the reiki at comfort of their own home. The benefits of reiki are the same as in person. The reiki energy will be sent to the address you provide.

Reiki is safe, simple and a natural technique that anyone can learn or receive to empower their life. It is an amazing compliment to any other holistic or medical modalities. The energy goes where it needs to go in the body and will support the intentions of the client’s innate highest good.

Intuitive Sense Wisdom

Awareness to help identify and understand how lifestyle choices, belief systems, generational energies and past experiences / traumas are contributing to pain and suffering reinforcing, perpetual patterns of inflammation. 

Wisdom with practical solutions will be offered to help empower and shift clients to a place of more peace, safety and empowerment to change for the better.

Although everyone’s own body will dictate how it chooses to balance; these are some of the benefits:

  • promotes stress reduction and relaxation
  • calms the emotions and mind busyness
  • is a natural detox of stress and energy blocks
  • enhances mental clarity and promotes joy and grace
  • provides more vitality and a sense of well being
  • helps lift anxiety, depression, anger, sadness and fear
  • opens up creativity blocks
  • improves sleep

Disclaimer: All of  Jose Leon’s talks, insights or healing services are intended for the purpose of stress reduction and emotional relaxation. Reiki / Light Resonance are an amazing compliment to any other holistic or medical modalities.

Always consult your healthcare professional or General Practitioner first. Reiki / Energy workers/ healers do not diagnose medical conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. We strongly recommended you see a licensed physician, GP or other licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment whether it be acute or chronic that you may be suffering from or suspect that you may have. In no event can any of Jose Leon and Transcendence Healing Inc. be liable in anyway directly or indirectly for damages resulting from information or data provided or for the loss of profits through the use or misuse of said information and data, either via its use, negligence or other actions.